Films to stimulate the mind and spirit
The Dark Hobby
The Hawaiian Islands host many exotic fish species. Many are now on the verge of extinction. The Dark Hobby reveals the truth about the aquarium trade.
No Asylum
The Untold Chapter of Anne Frank’s Story
The Hawaiian Islands host many exotic fish species. Many are now on the verge of extinction. The Dark Hobby reveals the truth about the aquarium trade.
Naked in Ashes
The bearers of a 5,000 year old legacy, the Yogis give up everything to seek self realization. A young boy undergoes a secret initiation. On pilgrimage through the Himalayas, he journeys to the holiest festival on earth.
Not In God’s Name
Making Sense of Religious Conflict
Trapped in religious riots in Delhi, filmmaker Paula Fouce follows the Dalai Lama on a journey to understand religious intolerance. Not In God’s Name shows how the world is ravaged by extreme divisions between religions.
Origins of Yoga
The path of yoga is shrouded in antiquity - when Himalayan Sages probed the deepest mysteries of life, and what lies beyond death.
Song of the Dunes
Search for the Original Gypsies
The journey begins in India near the Pakistan border. Here live the Untouchables. These musicians and dancers are trapped at the bottom of India's caste system. Battling life's struggles, they keep their spirit alive through music and dance. A millennium ago, some left and traveled in caravans to the far ends of the earth. They are the original Gypsies. Prejudice and persecution still dog them.